Trouble with a capital "B" -- Bimble loves to bounce, fly, play catch, and open up conversations and friendships. Bimble's also not afraid to show you a softer side.
What are Mimbleballs made from (besides love)?
Polyester/acrylic blend (hair/face)
Plastic safety buttons (eyes)
Poly-Fil (stuffing)
Caring for your Mimbleball:
Machine wash gentle or spot clean - AIR DRY ONLY. After they air dry, brush up all over with a mechanical pencil (or something similar) to bring them back to their original fluffy glory.
3.5" (plus the crazy hair!)
Mimbleballs utilize safety features for even the most curious users and are tested against and passed ASTM requirements.
Ask us about custom color combinations!
Mini Bimble
SKU: 66124